What kind of a 'culture', that thrives on self-pity for historical subjugation, can do the same to other people and look in the eye of the history with self-righteousness?! The Jews are proud of their 'culture' and heritage ... so why don't they speak up, collectively, against the crimes against humanity conducted in their name??! There are a few though ...
A philosophical question: If the "an eye for an eye" holds--which it does in Judaism, would it be okey if Palestinians killed 285 Israelis in rocket attacks?! Or is an Israeli or an American eye more expensive and proportionate to the price of weapons they possess?!!

Merry Christmas;
and Happy Hannuka, the festival of light!
and Anne's list of when/whom/what to Protest/Lobby/Boycott
I agonize in dismay and horror. I feel your justified rage at such injustice and what is destroyed in the name of religion.
I remain firm in my peaceful life style.
Love and hope,
Dear Gail,
I wish to remain my my peaceful life style as well ... and I am sure if we as the human society took closely there will be enough of us agonized enough to force a change ...
But, the attacks are timed to overlap Holidays ... and we are collectively too busy and festive to care ... and propaganda tells us "Israel is in mortal danger" ... well I guess if one acts like a malignant tumor, one has every 'right' to feel it is in mortal danger!!!?!
We must speak ... UP!
took should have been 'look'
"The crisis in the Gaza strip intensified as Israel pressed its campaign to free a kidnapped Israeli soldier and stop Palestinian rocket attacks. Sheila MacVicar reports." [CBS News]
Such excuses are laughable. It's the same as what happened in Lebanon. I'm sick in my stomach!
Thank you for the link, Naj!
What sickens me to stomach is the differential value of LIFE ...
Racist !#$$#%^#@%^ world ...
Hi again Naj-
I did not mean to imply that by standing firm in my peaceful life style I am quiet or passive. I DO rise up against injustice. I, in my own right and way, stir the pot, cause waves, point out and stand up against misuse of power.
I believe though, that in order to do that I must preserve and protect where I am fueled and sustained and find solace - without that I am fragmented and weak -
Both are magnified during holidays - the blessing of my home and the injustices beyond our door.
Love, Gail
Hi Gail,
I know you didn't mean that. I was just reiterating my own mental conclusions ... about my need for peace; and the world beyond my doors not affording it to me ... and my tendency to hide from it all (as those who know my blog may have noticed over the past few months) ...
But sometimes I think our blogs are just talking to people who are alike and i often wonder, how can I reach people who are in complete ignorance about the state of the world ...
Hi Naj-
"When the student is ready to learn the teacher appears".....
This is horrible, but did Hamas ever stop tossing the rockets?? I don't know. Still doesn't justify what the Israelis did though. (with US made F16's. I am ashamed)
I find it odd though: I heard Egypt would not open its border and allow relief trade to Gaza. Arabs not helping Arabs?? Fear of reprisal? (I think US gives Egypt many billions to remain an ally.)
I did a post called Religion sucks # 15 on the latest mess over there. The people in Gaza and the West Bank don't mean anything to Middle Eastern Muslim countries or the US. Think about it. You know it's true. Be honest and think about a pragmatic solution.
If leadership really cared about the people there would be pragmatic solutions. It's just another excuse for men to puff up in false pride and fight, only the whole fucking world play this stupid game because religions are involved. That's the best way for the rich and powerful to keep the little people fighting, religion.
Divide and conquer. Fucking works every Goddamned time, eh?
I totally agree with you, this recent "mess-up" is nothing but shameful. The seize fire was broken by Hamas, but even if you for some reason believe in "eye for an eye" (I don't) this is not justified.
I am hoping for the day when these criminal Israeli leaders are brought to justice in a Nuremberg-like court where the Nazis where put on trial.
Let's not forget the 85% Israelis who are in support of these crimes against humanity.
and masterfully force them BACK to violence, so that it can strike back in self-defense!!
How anyone can be blind to this fact is certainly beyond me. (Willful ignorance is not an appealing trait.)
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