Thursday, March 20, 2014

Happy 1393!

Well, I made a little error decorating Ash Reshteh, and thought it's year 1394!!

It's quite funny that for an entire year, I have been thinking that I am one year older than what I actually am!

I pray for peace.

This is a year that I am very optimist. Not just about Iran, but about the whole world. I think we are AWAKENING. We have avoided many wars; and we don't seem to be so war- and capitalism-prone anymore. There is always a bright side to all darkness. And this is the lesson I have learned since my last year's horrible adventures, which also ended at about this time last year.

Life is only going to be exciting.


Gene said...

A lovely table, Naj!

And you are right to face the future with renewed optimism. I came upon this quote from Tony Benn (RIP) the other day. He said: "Pessimism is our worst enemy. If we reject the pessimism, as the Tolpuddle Martyrs did, then we will win." It's not always easy to do, but I think he's right.


Anonymous said...

Happy new year

One question please, why Islamic Iran did not use the Islamic calender or western calender as most other Islamic nations do?

Naj said...

Iran's calendar pre-dates Islam; and Iran is not a Western country to follow a christian calendar!

Naj said...

to be more precise, Iran's calendar os "solar", and the Arab/Jewish calendar is lunar! Iranian calendar starts counting post-Islam years though.