Utah Savage gave me an award and included me in: "These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.”
Life's Journey
Mystic Rose
Pretty Moonbeams
A Poetic justice
Gail: Know your "it's"
Life and Times of Carolina Parrothead
An Average American Patriot
Hi Naj-
"Thank you" so much - wow!! I thought that once someone received an award then we couldn't award them as well. That is why i didn't send you one too. sorry. I would have, for sure.
Peace and love to you
Thank you Naj,
I'm quite fond of you also. :)
I must visit Utah and see what she is up to.
I am honored to be awarded my friend.
Well Thank You Naj! I am honored you think of me! I was happy to see Utah picked you and very happy to see you pick Betmo. I am honored to be amongst such fine company!
First, let me say thank you for your kind words. Second, let me apologize for not adding you to my blogroll a long time ago. But I will correct that right now.
thanks naj- this means a great deal to me. i am honored :) i will work on my 8 and get it up soon. thanks.
Thank you, Naj... It is an honor to be your friend, virtually or otherwise.
Utah, by the way, is an amazingly audacious person and friend.
It thought it was 1/6th! :)
Anyways, I hope western women do KNOW that a lot of Muslim women pity western women for they consider them sexual objects; who even after post-feminist 'emancipation' have turned into these labor machines for the western economies which is depriving them from the joys of being a trophy wife, spending their life in a spa or shopping ;)
In fact, western-style feminism scares the hell out of a lot of muslim women, let alone muslim men!
I just visited a hematologist trained in Shiraz and Philadelphia. He had been to Persepolis some 35 years ago and was quite delighted with the National Geographic issue on Persian history that I gave him.
A wonderfully wise fellow.
Maybe he can determine why I have too much of some bone-marrow protein which could cause me problems later. I trust that he will!
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