Check out the CNN headlines ...
This freaking idiot Ahmadinejad's has been a zionist puppet from the start ... look at the headlines of HOW MANY operations Israel's under taking ...
UPDATE (Sept 26, 2009) New York Times asks the same question: Is Ahmadinejad a "Gift" to Israel? after Ahmadinejad's and Netanyahu's speeches at the annual UN gathering in NY.
Are you working for Iran's enemies?
pen Name
Naj, a bilingual, Westerneducated woman, a self-declared democrat and liberal, enamoured of the Western way of life, cannot accept the results of a fair and honest election. Nor can she engage in dialogue with a dissenting person without resort to profanity.
And yet she expects us and others in Iran to put the destiny of our country in the hands of people such as herself and those that she supports.
Allauh Akbar!
pen Name
Some of the BBC's broadcasts to Iran have been affected by the jamming of satellites. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/8099858.stm
The Director of the World Service Peter Horrocks has called on the interference to be stopped.
Pen name
yes you should leave our destiny in thehands of hired lebanese Hizbollah, and their zionist manipulators! You and likes of yours sold the country cheap ... and now it takes SO MUCH WORK to fix what your stupid Ahmaghinejad broke: TRUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nunya ... now i see how you were hurt when Bush stole your vote. But you see, Iranians revolted ... we are taking a stance that we do not let fascists rule us ...
Naj, what would be the mechanism for another vote? Who has to authorise it?
My heart is with the Iranian people- the people who have their will suppressed by thugs on bikes. Why is it that the overly religious are those who are the oppressors in our world? What is the difference between the Bushits, the radical Zionists, and the stealers of the will of the Iranian people sending out thugs on bikes? The enemy is to be found in every country. I have been blessed to live 68 years and visit many countries and have found nice folks wherever I have gone. The enemy throughout have been the power freaks who want to blame someone else, when in truth, it is them. Power to the people to bring peace and goodwill. My heart is with you.
Rick, all is broken ... all is breaking .. a great conspiracy's unfolded ... i just don't know anymore ...
this is not religion against the rest, this is FASCISM ... this is fascism and it has nothing to do with religion ... te religious leaders are unrobing themselves in protest, they are issung fatwas against this ... this is forces which I cannot put a finger on ... it's a neo con conspiracy against Iran's HOPE ...
I found this interesting as well as this. I don't know how close to reality those analyses are but at least they provide some parameters for us to try and make sense of what is going on, other than just the usual clerics vs the people.
While searching my blog for something tonight, I came upon this old article about a rift between Ahmadinejad and the clerics. Do the latter have enough clout with the supporters of Ahmadinejad to sway them away from him? One wonders.
The students started attacking the police.
pen Name
Pen, the student attacked the police from their HOMES? from their dorms?!
And, in all of the world angry student attack the police, the riot police forms shields, and yes things can get violent at times, but then those police officers operate within the authority of their dress code ... and are subject to discipline ... subject to public inquiries, and the governments come under pressure if they cannot reign in the police forces!
But, in Iran we have these ugly disgusting rishoos, who look disgusting and act disgusting ands stink disgusting, WHO ARE THEY governed by? what is their affiliation? who can have inquiries about THEIR conduct?!
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