In the past couple of days, unexpected executions have been taking place. Political death sentences have been handed out to those allegedly associated with opposition movements outside Iran, and Kurd activists. As usual, they start with execution of the Kurdish minority--calling them armed separatists who are a threat to national security. A few weeks ago, Ehsan Fatahian was hanged. Today, Fasih Yasmani, a villager from West Azerbaijan who spent a few years in prison, was hanged unexpectedly. Other's on death row are the following:
- Zeynab Jalaliyan (female),
- Shirkoh Moarefi (male),
- Habibollah Latifi (male),
- Seid Sami Hesini (male),
- Seid Jammal Mohammedi (male),
- Rostam Arkiya (male),
- Rashid Akhkandi (male),
- Hossein Khaziri (male),
- Farzad Kamangar (male),
- Ali Heydariyan (male),
- Farhad Wakeli (male),
- Mostafa Sallimi (male),
- Anwar Rostami (male),
- Mohammed Amin Agushi (male)
- Hasan Tale'i (male)
- Ahmad Pouladkhani (male)
- Iraj Mohammadi (male).

Other than the above mentioned kurds, several others have been given death penalty:
- Ali Saremi, member of MKO, has spent a total of 23 years in the prisons of the Shah and the current regime. He was last arrested in the summer of 2007 for attending a ceremony marking the 19th anniversary of the 1988 massacre of political prisoners by the Iranian regime. On Tuesday, December 29, 2009 he was sentenced Mr. Saremi to death without adhering to due legal process.
- Reza Khademi [persian], was charged with 'training' in the MKO camps and flying green balloons!!
- Mohammad Reza Ali-Zamani [persian], he was arrested BEFORE the election chaos and was charged with membership in some obscure monarchist party! Not even monarchists know of that party; as they are often the safe-dwelling rich LA-dwellers who bark more than they bite.
- Arash Rahmani-pour[persian], 19; who was arrested in March before the election; and according to his Laywer Ms Nasrin Sotoodeh, he was coerced to confession in membership in the same obscure monarchist party!!
- Naser Abdulhoseini [persian], 22, he too was coerced to confessing association with the MKO, but he has taken back all his confessions after his death sentence was communicated.
- Hamed Rouhi-Nejad [persian], he too was arrested about 6 weeks before election, he was arrested on the charge of illegally exiting the country a few years back, and then intimidated to confess to masterminding the unrest in election aftermath!
The fact that most these individuals were arrested just shortly before the election further lends support to the idea that the coup d'etat scenario was written prior to the election.
I also read a little report [persian] that the post-Ashura scenario included planting evidence (American fire arms) in the homes and offices of the reformists; a plot that was foiled by unequivocal appeal of the reform leaders that this movement is not a vengeful violent one. Having found weapons in the Green homes will help expedite their executions ...
Despite regime's obvious failure to contain protests with increasing violence, and Mousavi's offer of reconciliation, serious divisions within the conservative camp are emerging. Kayhan newspaper, the terror channel, has been lashing out at Rezayee for trying to mediate the reconciliation [persian]. The fascists have also increased the waves of arrests and intimidation. The following list completes the list I provided before. Political affiliations of the arrested are listed:
Freedome Movement (national-religious party; in many ways the founders of the post-revolutionary government)
- Ebrahim Yazdi (Secretary General of the party)
- Mehdi Motamedi-Mehr (member)
- Amir Khoram (member of political office)
- Mohsen Mohagheghi (member)
- Mehdi Gholizadeh (member)
- Maziar Shokoohi (member)
- Sara Tavasoli (daughter of Mohammad Tavasoli, head of the political office)
- Leila Tavasoli (daughter of Mohammad Tavasoli, head of the political office)
- Mohamad-Javad Mozafar (Publisher)
- Masood Aghayee (activist)
- Amir-Khosro dalir-Sani (national religious activist)
Mousavi's advisors or campaign managers
- Ardeshir Amir-Arjmand
- Alireza Hoseini Behesht
- Alireza Beheshti shirazi
- Hasan Abedi Jafari
- Ghorban Behzadian Nejad
- Mohamad Bagherian
- Forouzandeh
- Mohamad-Reza Tajik
- Farshad Momeni (economics advisor)
- Ali Arabmazar (economics advisor)
Khatami & Karoubi advisors
- Morteza Haji (CEO of Baran foundation and minister of education in Khatami cabinet)
- Hasan Rasouli
- Mohamad-Sadegh Javadi-Hesar
- Badr-olsadat Mofidi
- Emad Baghi (human rights activist)
- Nasrin Vaziri
- Keyvan Mehrgan
- Mashallah Shams-ol-Vaezin
- Morteza Kazemiyan
- Mostafa Izadi
- Mohamad Javad Saberi
- Behrang Tonkaboni
- Keyvan Farzin
- Arvin Sedaghat-Kish
- Rouzbeh Karimi
- Mohamad-Reza Zahdi
- Ali Hekmat
- Negin Derakhshan
- Sam Mahmoudi
Human Rights activists
- Shiva Nazar-Ahari
- Parisa Kakayee
- Said Jalalifar
- Said Kalanaki
- Mehrdad Rahimi
- Kouhyar Goudarzi
- Said Ha'eri
Participation Front and Organization of Mojahedin-e enghelab (religious reformist parties)
- Abulfazl Ghadyani
- Ahmad Ahmad-pour
- Ehsan Alayeefar
- Mohammad Raf'ati
- Mohammad Keyghobadi
- Mehdi Guilani
- Farshad Azizi
The National Front party
- Hossein Mousavian (CEO)
- Hamir-Reza Khadem
- Isa Khan-Hatami
- Sasan Bahman-Abadi
Women & Human Rights
- Nousih Ebadi (she is not an activist, but just teh sister of Shirin Ebadi!)
- Mansoureh Shojayee
- Mahin Fahimi (aunt of Sohrab A'rabi)
- Omid Montazeri, cousin of Sohrab)
- Ardavan Tarakameh (not sure about pronounciation)
- Zohre Tontaboni (mothers of peace)
- Atiyeh Yusefi (1 million signature campaign)
- Forugh Mirzai (lawyer)
- Maryam Zia (child rights)
- Mohammad Mo'in (son of the minister of education in Khatami cabinet)
- Abolfazt Mousavian (CEO of association of teachers and researcher in Qom)
- Heshmatollah Tabarzadi (Student activist and journalist)
- Mohammad Taheri (Son of ayatollah)
- Shapour Kazemi (industrialist and brother in law of Mousavi)
- Reza Najafi (translator)
- Khalil Darmnki (literary critic)
- Bahareh Hedayat (student activist)
- Mehdi Arabshahi (student activist)
- Morteza Simyari (student activist)
- Alireza Firouzi (student activist)
- Sorna Hashemi (student activist)
Also 77 students from Mashahd universities; 7 from Khaje Nasir University in Tehran, 10 from Kermanshah University.
This said, the slightly less hardliners of the parliament seem to have made a couple of concessions:
a) Motahari, a leading conservative in the parliament, has dismissed and shrugged off Hoseinians' vendetta [persian] (execute the opponents within five days of arrest) and has called for searching for the root cause of the protest--i.e. Ahmadinejad!!
b) The Truth-Finding committee of the parliament seems to be pointing the blame finger for the Kahrizak Prison crimes to Judge Mortazavi [persian], although as soon as the news made it to media, they have come out to say: we do not have the judiciary authority to charge him with these crimes [persian]. It is ironic that when everyone seems to have judiciary authority to condemn the greens with all sorts of charges and crimes uncommitted, the proven rapist and murderer Mortazavi gets promotion (and it put in charge of Fighting Drug Traffic!!)
Although, this being a ping-pong game, I just read that the cyber-IRGC has arrested the directors of "deep chaos" [persian] (don't ask me what a deep chaos is, these dudes are potato heads, only they know!!) So these "chaos directors" seem to be bloggers who have been disseminating news out of Iran, or twitting messages about where to gather, what slogan to chant and things that almost any Iranian/non-Iranian blogger has been doing these days! The greens have started a witty campaign of their own: they are all identifying themselves as "mohareb" and ask to be executed!
P.S. I just realized that this post was cross-posted by street-journalists (without my permission!)
You know, Naj, one of the military web forums inside Iran that I use has recently been bounced off the internet. It used to sport images of the SL in its layout design, and I don't remember any "subversive" material being tolerated. No matter, apparently, in this current political atmosphere. Check out the site's current web address placeholder:
Monarchists from all over the world rally to support Mohammad-Reza Ali-Zamani, Davood Fardbacheh Mir-Ardabili, Hamed Rouhinejad and Arash Rahmanpour.
Already 72,000 people have signed the petition.
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