1) Mottaki hosted a dinner for the UN security council. "Western diplomats called it a rare move for a visiting dignitary such as Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki to host a dinner for all the council's 15 member nations.Western diplomats called it a rare move for a visiting dignitary such as Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki to host a dinner for all the council's 15 member nations."..."The occasion served as one of the highest-ranking contacts in recent years between the U.S. and Iran, which lack formal relations."
2) Iran's auditor General issued a damning report of the economic calamity of the Ahmadinejad Government. In summary: Government's handling of oil revenues is quite murky and several irregularities and fraud may have taken place. This report has boldened the parliament in launching loud attacks against the government
3) Hashemi, who has been silent in the past few months, and whose son is under an arrest warrant, has come out to condemn the politics of imprisonment, torture and intimidation--drawing direct parallels between the heroism of the jailed generation of today, and that of his; implying, more directly that before, that Khamenei is walking in the Shah's shoes!
4) Right after the execution of the innocent Kurds, Iran issued permission for the family of the three American hikers to visit their families!
5) and of course ... the Iranians are nto silent about the execusions ... I don't know what politics motivated these criminal killings; but I strongly sense this was a provocation ... someone could be aiming to ride the tide of the genuine emotions this has stirred ... Mousavi and Karoubi have expressed grief, but have not used this tragedy to stirr emotions. If anything, Mousavi's reiterated that he remains committed to peaceful opposition.
But, I am suspicious of Hashemi; and of Larijanis ... Larijani's has been kissing the IRGC's ass recently and Hashemi's web page http://www.hashemirafsanjani.ir/ is scrolling through a few "provocative" memoirs of his; opening the "election fraud" book again! It appears to me, that some "opposition" is growing from within the system--this opposition knows that they too are hated by the people; so are they trying to pull the rug from under Ahmadinejad in collusion with his cronies? This second coup d'etat will not be in favour of the greens either.
I am watching, eyes wide open!
"But, I am suspicious of Hashemi; and of Larijanis ... Larijani's has been kissing the IRGC's ass recently and Hashemi's web page http://www.hashemirafsanjani.ir/ is scrolling through a few "provocative" memoirs of his; opening the "election fraud" book again! It appears to me, that some "opposition" is growing from within the system--this opposition knows that they too are hated by the people; so are they trying to pull the rug from under Ahmadinejad in collusion with his cronies? This second coup d'etat will not be in favour of the greens either."
You mean Hashemi ordered the executions? He doesn't even have power to save the ass of his son, grandson and daughter, how could he order these executions, Naj? Be sure that such an act is seriously calculated by Ahmadinejad and Khamenei.
1000; I didn't say anything about who ordered the executions.
Actually, who ordered them? do you know who was the judge on the case?
That Khamenei and Ahmadinejad are such dimwits to order the killing would not surprise me at all, though. After having watched them fuck the country up over the past 12 months!
I think Salavati and Mortazavi were the judges, as far as I know, but I mean the timing and pushing --final order-- couldn't come from anyone except by extreme precise calculations from Mamoot and Khamenei. Three of them had files unclosed and asked for retrial.
I find is very peculiar that they are not handing in the bodies as well.
These "rushed" killings are really baffling me. I don't buy the "they want to scare the greens on the eve of the election" hypothesis; If they wanted to scare the greens they should have executed some Green "moharebs"; not these people who were in prison already when election went colorful. I really believe someone is trying to stir shit .. (MORE shit, I must say!)
I liked the statement of the reformist Kurds that I translated. What do you think about it?
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