So her name is: A'zam OlSadate Farahi; and she is referred to as 'mohandes' Farahi; meaning that she is an engineer. Let's see what IRNA has to brag about:
They start the report by bragging about the "hot" treatment Italian press has given her appearnace in rome. First, they cite the coverage the RIGHT WING paper LaStampa has given Iran's First Lady: that she is a mechanical engineer and mother of two. Apparently she has delivered a letter from Ahmadinejad to the Italian government [Perhaps seeking their advise on ow to become a corrupt and industrially successful religiously crazed post-fascist society :) ]. According to IRNA, citing the Italian report, Farahi has spoken "energetically", but refusing to go to the podium. [From what I saw, she seemed to be reading very timidly and like a school child!] According to IRNA quoting the Italian right wing paper, she has spoken about how Iran can serve as model, that under religious guidance and traditions, has a higher immunity to hunger problems elsewhere. [True, Islamic culture is very food-friendly and has several guidelines for ensuring your neighbors are not hungry. People HAPPILY share food; and in fact to not share food is considered RUDE and repulsive. When I fist came to the West, I was shocked by the idea of pot-lock party; eat your own sandwich, pay for your own food culture.]
IRNA also quotes from Courier della Serra: "surprising appearance of the first veiled First Lady in Rome, where people are used to fashionable world First Ladies."
Then IRNA's report becomes hilarious, talking about how Italians have written that Farahi is a symbol of Iranian women, in a country where Marziye Dastgerdi can become a minister; that she is not just a shadw of her husband but a "political" personality because she has an engineering degree [I keep thinking about all fake PhDs Ahmadinejad's cronies had]; and then the bomb quotation from the Italian paper: "In Iran, 60% of university students are female, and Shirin Ebadi, the winner of Nobel Peace Prize is another symbol of this complex society". [so this citation makes me think: What the hell? IRNA and Iranian government have been harassing and threatening Ebadi for YEARS; and her life's under threat, now they are citing Italian press talking about her as a SYMBOL and equating Ahmadinejad's servant to Ebadi, who stands on podiums of the world to decry IRI's crimes?!!]
So, what has this "independent political figure with an engineering degree" has said? According to IRNA (citing the wife of Rome's mayor, Isabella Rauti) Mrs Farahi spoke 5 minutes which seemed within the framework of the summit's agenda; and in her speech she said that her husband has taken steps to help women claim their rights! Citing the Italian official news agency (ANSA): Farahi has said that Iran is piloting a project that strongly supports breast-feeding and within-family cooperations. She has emphasized women's rights and has stated that the husbands must guarantee food, clothing and housing for their wives.
(news code on IRNA 793603)
======= Thanks to Parvati, here's what the Italian Press has had to say About Ahmadinejad's wife.
LaStampa Headline: FAO - first ladies in Rome. Ahmadinejad's wife.
A short text and a few pictures of different first ladies including Ahmadinejad's wife with the following caption:
"Lady Ahmadinejad.
Mme Ahmadinejad during the summit of the First Ladies of the Non-Aligned Nations at the headquarters of the FAO (Food and Agricultural Organisation of the UN) on 15th November 2009 in Roma.
The wife of the Iranian president, in black chador and fumè glasses, launched an appeal to have food and medicines guaranteed in the Gaza Strip, then proposed Iran's example for food security in families and attacked «the mercantilist attitude to the exploitation of resources and the policy of occupation and arms-racing», declaring it responsible for poverty and hunger in the world.
Italian quasi-official press agency ADN-KRONOS:
Rome, 15 nov. (Adnkronos) - Signora Ahmadinejad, wife of the Iranian president, is in Rome to participate in the second summit of the first ladies of the Non-Aligned Nations movement which opened this afternoon at Fao. Mrs. Ahmadinejad, in dark glasses and black chador, is seated between the representative of Namibia and the empty chair of the Iraqi delegation. Since her husband was first elected president in 2005 Mrs. Ahmadinejad, who has a degree in engineering, three children and a very conservative political stance, had never before appeared on public occasions on her own.
3-line headline from big centre-rightish daily "il Corriere"
The wife of the Iranian president, in black chador and fumè glasses, launched an appeal to have food and medicines guaranteed in the Gaza Strip, then proposed Iran's example for food security in families and attacked «the mercantilist attitude to the exploitation of resources and the policy of occupation and arms-racing», declaring it responsible for poverty and hunger in the world.
Italian quasi-official press agency ADN-KRONOS:
Rome, 15 nov. (Adnkronos) - Signora Ahmadinejad, wife of the Iranian president, is in Rome to participate in the second summit of the first ladies of the Non-Aligned Nations movement which opened this afternoon at Fao. Mrs. Ahmadinejad, in dark glasses and black chador, is seated between the representative of Namibia and the empty chair of the Iraqi delegation. Since her husband was first elected president in 2005 Mrs. Ahmadinejad, who has a degree in engineering, three children and a very conservative political stance, had never before appeared on public occasions on her own.
3-line headline from big centre-rightish daily "il Corriere"
- Iranian political refugees in Italia protest: «the government should send her away»
- Ahmadinejad's wife to the first ladies «Capitalism is the cause of poverty»
- First public speech by Azam al-Sadat Farahi at the FAO summit, completely covered by a black chador
the project supports breast feeding to the husbands? well I support that initiative!.. anyhow, iranian abroad have a hard time explaining and justifying that she is not the representative of iranian women to an average Joe, and most people on the streets are average Joes.
Re: "They start the report by bragging about the "hot" treatment Italian press has given her appearance in rome."
Kinda-like the utterances of a talking two-headed calf? I've been reading through what I could find - some not all that easy to dig up as the press treatment was hardly top-headlines level and she was sharing the "limelight" with such neighbourhood luminaries as the wife of Mubarak of Egypt.
Here's a link to La Stampa's pics+text coverage - the photos are quite something - IMHO you should add some to your blog-post! And here's my translation of the accompanying text:
"FAO - first ladies in Rome. Ahmadinejad's wife."
(pic of her all bundled up in her black sack with only nose mouth and dark glasses showing.. looking a wee bit forlorn? while shifty-looking dignitary on her left peers glumly downwards out of corner of left eye and bored-looking dignitary behind her stares in opposite direction)
Caption: "Lady Ahmadinejad.
Mme Ahmadinejad during the summit of the First Ladies of the Non-Aligned Nations at the headquarters of the FAO (Food and Agricultural Organisation of the UN) on 15th November 2009 in Roma.
The wife of the Iranian president, in black chador and fumè glasses, launched an appeal to have food and medicines guaranteed in the Gaza Strip, then proposed Iran's example for food security in families and attacked «the mercantilist attitude to the exploitation of resources and the policy of occupation and arms-racing», declaring it responsible for poverty and hunger in the world.
(followed by two more pics of her chador with semi-emergent nose and specs - after which the series moves on to other "Non-Aligned First Ladies".
Italian quasi-official press agency ADN-KRONOS:
Rome, 15 nov. (Adnkronos) - Signora Ahmadinejad, wife of the Iranian president, is in Rome to participate in the second summit of the first ladies of the Non-Aligned Nations movement which opened this afternoon at Fao. Mrs. Ahmadinejad, in dark glasses and black chador, is seated between the representative of Namibia and the empty chair of the Iraqi delegation. Since her husband was first elected president in 2005 Mrs. Ahmadinejad, who has a degree in engineering, three children and a very conservative political stance, had never before appeared on public occasions on her own.
3-line headline from big centre-rightish daily "il Corriere"
Iranian political refugees in Italia protest: «the government should send her away»
Ahmadinejad's wife to the first ladies «Capitalism is the cause of poverty»
First public speech by Azam al-Sadat Farahi at the FAO summit, completely covered by a black chador
Which pretty much sums up what most of the Italian press has been saying - very deadpan tone.
P.s. - Italy "religiously-crazed"???? Nah, very non-fundy, religiously lax country. Church and fascists don't really get on, relationship of mutual suspicion. Italian reunification was at the expense of the Catholic church as first Garibaldi then the Piedmontese INVADED Rome, appropriated the territories of the Papal States so there's a direct historical-conflict between Italy-as-Nation and the Vatican - after loss of "temporal power" the papacy kinda-sulked behind the Vatican's walls until... around 1960?? Anyway, Fascism was originally VERY anti-clerical then had to come to terms with the church - via "Lateran Pacts" - so threw it various symbolic-sops to prevent it taking up an attitude of outright opposition but always carefully limiting its power, post-WW2 constitution allowed it State Religion status on the one hand while declaring total religious freedom on the other... same principle. Anyway, our catholicism (as opposed to christianity tout-court) gets waved around by politicians as a "cultural identity-banner" for all kinds of purposes, some legit. but mostly nefarious - but to give you an idea of how secular this country really is: catholicism both forbids divorce and forbids couples living together without marriage; nonetheless, Berlusconi is divorced = excommunicated; no problem no scandal until it was discovered he had taken to partying with multiple-prostitutes and throwing parties where cocaine was circulated "on call"... and Fini (kinda..."moderate-Fascist"???, anyway he's Italy's right-wing political leader No. 2) too is divorced; no way to count how many of our population/politicians are living with "partners" they're not married to, must be quite a large percentage - would have been scandalous 50 years ago, now socially perfectly acceptable. Ah and we also have a transvestite MP and several declaredly-gay ones... on the left - but Casini (catholic party) is widely rumored to be a closet gay. Btw, Rome notoriously swarmed with prostitutes of both sexes in its papal-state days .. still does. Likewise btw, some of Italy's renaissance courtesans (high-level/high-price prostitutes) were gifted poetesses, still famous... Relations between prostitution and liberty being of course ambiguous-at-best, but highly visible, socially-tolerated presence of prostitution is hardly a sign of a "religiously-crazed" society, more of a congenitally cynical-n-corrupt one that pays mere lip-service to religion while devoting its major efforts to power-and-wealth struggles?
Reports that the Iranian government plans to establish "cyber police" to fight "crimes" on the internet indicate that they are intensifying their attack on freedom of expression, Amnesty International said on Monday.
According to the Iranian media, a special unit reporting to the chief prosecutor is being set up to scour the web in search of people "spreading lies" and "insults" against the system.
Amnesty International has described it as an attempt to stifle dissent, intimidate political opposition and extend the climate of repression online.
Re: "now they are citing Italian press talking about her as a SYMBOL and equating Ahmadinejad's servant to Ebadi, who stands on podiums of the world to decry IRI's crimes?!!]"
The Italian press was not "equating" but "counterposing" them, i.e. presenting them as OPPOSITES, emblematic of two totally divergent and conflicting paths/approaches to women's role in society that are present in Iran.
the project supports breast feeding to the husbands? ....
let see the fatwa father
Was Khomeini's Father A Brit?
Potlucks? Potluck is a chance to share your best dish with co-workers, and a chance to try food from other cultures, if you have the good sense to take a job that has an international staff. I love potlucks.
thanks for La Stampa link; but it doesn't work. I would like to add your translation to the main post. By the way the "equating" was not what the Italian press was doing, by "they" I meant IRNA spinning.
I LOVe potlucks too. But I found it odd that people throw their own birthday parties and ask guests to bring their own booze and food. Of course, I have gotten over my shock now and I appreciate the philosophy of potluck.
you have yourself clarified what I meant by religious-crazed Italy:
Anyway, our catholicism (as opposed to christianity tout-court) gets waved around by politicians as a "cultural identity-banner" for all kinds of purposes, some legit. but mostly nefarious
I have little doubt about secularism of Italians; but religion is part of the cultural identity ... and it is hard for it to not be with Vatican with all its wealth and glory sitting in the heart of Roma. It's funny you say the fascists and priests not getting along; it's pretty much the same happening in Iran now!
Anyways, please write that piece you promised me ;) :))
was khomeini's father a brit?"
No! But EVEN if it were, so what? Brits are not the source of evil; the source of evil is IGNORANCE of people that the Brits have managed to exploit.
So, Kudos to the Brits for their brilliant minds. :))
Is she the designer of The Islamic Republic of Iran an "Islamic bicycle."?
Or she went to show Italian fashion houses her new design of the designer of Islamic Bikini
She may looks for business with famous Italian fashion designers to introduce a new Fashionable Iranian women's clothing “chador”
Here's the La Stampa link with the pics + short text:
In tinyurl form in case it's too long:
Re "but religion is part of the cultural identity ... and it is hard for it to not be with Vatican with all its wealth and glory sitting in the heart of Roma."
Not so much the presence of the Vatican itself in Italy as the way Catholic beliefs practises and rituals are inextricably interwoven into the fabric of daily life both private and public: our traditions, customs and local-glories? Amongst other things, this is an extremely "localist" country, not surprisingly given its history of independent city-state republics - and religion/religion-based customs, rituals, institutions and "edifices" play a huge role not only in family life but in communal life too - for instance, churches served/served as assembly-halls, art-galleries, community-centres, places of refuge and solace, charity-fund collection and distribution points, sources of local pride + pilgrimage/tourist-income + ... many other things too.
First example that comes to mind: in Siena's celebrated Palio horserace the various neighbourhoods compete for a banner bearing the likeness of the Virgin Mary that is kept in the cathedral, the jockeys and "captains" all get ceremonially-blessed in their parish churches before the race etcetc... typical! And everyone in Siena participates passionately in the event ... including atheists both communist and liberal, agnostics-ditto etcetc - none of whom would ever want to see the traditional ritual even slightly changed/secularised.
(video of the race)
Another example: Dante's masterwork the "Divine Comedy", which is structured on medieval catholic theology and has a strongly mystical core, is the foundation-stone of Italian as an independent language worthy of literary use - i.e. not just a series of distorted-latin peasant dialects for the illiterate but a rich and beautiful national tongue - and Italian national identity is in turn founded entirely on shared language and culture (...i.e. could say Italy-as-nation "rests" on Dante's Divine Comedy?...) not on us being of the same original ethno-origin, which doesn't make sense here: Italians are essentially the result of a regionally-variable fusion of Latins other-Italics Etruscans Greeks Celts Lombards + a scattering of balkanic and eastern-med peoples too. But as the roots of christianity in Italy are so deep and ancient it's impossible to teach/transmit our language culture and history WITHOUT simultaneously "vehicling" at least some religious content. Probably the same is true of Iran??
at work; will read the rest later, but "localist country" oh yeah! I have experienced that very much.
in her speech she said that her husband has taken steps to help women claim their rights!
So if Islam did not gave women their rights! Ahmadinejad gave them their rights so funny khomeini's tea-man servant gave women in Islamic Rep. of Iran their rights?
so what?
Ahmadinejad "Jew" so what? why you went hilarious about that? Jews are not evil .....
Brits are not the source of evil; the source of evil is IGNORANCE of people that the Brits have managed to exploit.
They gave birth for lunatic ass* khomeini.
This not right, Ahmadinejad considered anti-zionism in US, in Israeli and most western world, as for Arab I doubt he have that support as you think so, only be Iran proxies Hezbollah, Badar militia in Iraq , Da'awa parties (both sides), Huthi rabbles in Yemen, Hammas and Iranian Sistani.
Naj lives in US, twisting the reality, Ahmadinejad when he visited US University faced with the slogans and signs telling more obvious should you noticed by you
Btw, you know who going berserk Naj?
You, your jalousie post at a woman that has nothing to do just it happen been the First lady…
Corruption, country by country. The 2009 Transparency International index in full
Every year, Transparency International ranks 180 countries to creates its corruption index. Find out how each nation does
30.........United Arab Emirates
It's very funny; I get these kind of visitors every now an again, and unless they are all the same person, they introduce themselves as Arabs and seem somewhat schizophrenic between hatred for Iran and hatred for those who are against Iran. There was an egyptian fool who turned his blog into a vendetta against me, personally. His comments were hilarious, products of a sick mind; praying for Bush to nuke Iran and shed all dirty Persian blood! (sometimes I feel they are hired to discredit Arabs).
A very common "word" these "gentlemen" utter is "Jealousy"; in different contexts (I think it's some form of freudian slip); and they are set in stone blaming Brits for every shit that ever happens in the world.
So this dude here is on the one hand "defending" Ahmadinejad's wife against you&I; and at the same time takes pride that UA's corruption is less than Israel, Iran and Italy!
You see what I mean?
Now; in the interest of fairness, I wish to ask you to please refrain from using insulting terms about my blog visitors. I have rejected his angry insults back at you. He is complaining that you don't have a "profile"; and that you are a Mullah-lover! But since you have a profile and a fine blog, he can directly express his grievance to you. And since HE DOESN"T HAVE a profile, I am making an exception of letting your anger flow here.
since you have a profile
What Profile Naj?
* Gender: Female
* Location: Rome : Italy
What means not more than Anonymous ...
for you rant I think you need to look to you hypocrisy and all these sickness that you had and stick to other just because they have views different.
BTW for the report if that anger you this your problem not me and tried to play your pathetic game
what is YOUR profile?! ;)
Go think deep down brother; go think deep down. You need help.
You need help more than others. with your downy from Rome.
using personal attacks with insulting others shows your emptiness head full of sh*
Humm……First it’s clear that the story not granted tell, its some sort of may be hoax story, the writer admitting he need help to prove this story…. taking this far from its limits showing outrages and a seamier fishy post some sort not Worthing at all to talk about it.
Its doesn’t matter as much lunatic Khomeini and his ancestor were been Britt’s, German or Indian, he just an evil by himself with theses years of his revolution the follow of 70 millions of people says and telling more obvious what and his follow Mullahs evils are.
After 1979 most western word, listed Iran as a country benefits from asylum statues because of lunatic Khomeini revolution,
Naj & all those who left Iran should kiss his as* because they will never left their LOVLY country , went living in US or Rome living on social system have a lot of time with obvious hypocrisy as mullah megaphone……..
The 2009 Transparency International index report produced and done by same those British-evil…. ……she don’t likes the order of the list of countries starting throwing things out of control, shows her deep hatred against Arab/ Muslims, with here “schizophrenic” side of herself (she knew well) f when things produced by those British-evil… conflicts with her Mullah/Iran tests, she suffered for some mentality as she admitting before.
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