Millions of Shiites defy Sunni bombs to mark Arba'een--the 40th day of Imam Hossein's martyrdom in KArbala, in 680 AD.

- Apparently some 3 million pilgrims attended the festival.
- No security violation took place during the festival.
- Millions of more pilgrims are expected to arrive, even on foot.
On Tuesday, a suicide bombing killed 117 of these pilgrims. (117 PEOPLE DEAD. We make memorials when four of our RCMP officers die a senseless death; so let's multiply the indignation by order of 30, shall we?)
"I came to beg God to unite Iraqis after politicians failed," said Mahdi Saeed Jassim, a 50-year-old civil servant from Balbil province.
In the meantime, Americans have been arresting "terrorists". (We haven't heard much about their Iran-made weapons.)
- 16 suspected insurgents on Friday including an Al-Qaeda leader known as "The Butcher" because of his penchant for beheading captives. (for those in CIA who don't know the difference between Shiite and Sunnis, AlQuaeda is a Sunni movement)
- 2 men suspected of helping foreign extremist fighters to slip into the country, arrested in the western city of Fallujah.
- 8 more suspected members of an insurgent courier network, including an "Al-Qaeda media emir" responsible for propaganda.
- why we don't hear about the make of weapons seized from AlQuaeda operands?
- why there is no information about the nationality of these AlQuaeda suspects?
I wouldn't have noticed these things, had the war-hungry Bushists not been parading around with the so called evidence that Iranians were supporting the insurgency in Iraq! but one MUST wonder what kind of weapons the Sunni and the AlQuaeda people are using!

I believe the answers to your questions would be:
1. US weaponry
2. Saudi Nationals
How, in God's Holy Name, could Bushco ever let something like that come out?
I was hoping some of their CIA guys may leak again ;)
:) No my surprise about Ferdowsi was actually because of the volumousness of his work, and its historical specificity.
Khayam is understandable. Who wouldn't love him.
You see Amre, we really do not hate eachother, us Persians and Arabs. It's the oil monsters who just spread the rumors and create virtual enemies.
hatred begets hatred.
Om Kalthom, or as we call her omm-e kolsoom ... I HAVE heard her name from my parents, but haven't heard her.
By the way, what is all that talk of Persians and Arabs not liking eachother, Mohamad Reza Shah's first wife was Egyptian! And, the only country that gave him reguge was Egypt; that's where he is burried no?
aaargh someday when I have time, I am going to sit down and read aall about the Fatemis ...
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