Richard Armitage concluded correctly: "I have never seen such an ethnocentric country. For these people, Persepolis is not something of 4500 years ago. It is today!"
The Frontline documentary was a timid one: it only shyly exposed the Israel lobby, the American Enterprise Institute, and Bush's ignorant incompetence!
Watching this, I thought of America with the same disdain that I think of a rapist.
Cheney is a sick man. He has many blood brothers!
A madness has overtaken our world, one precipitated by naked greed: for wealth, for power.
The Four Horsemen are already riding!
pERSOPOLIS WAS BUILT IN 500 B.C! and not 4500 years ago.
Those like you who have no civilsation and no ancient history, would be desperate to invent one. But I guess it is very difficult to imagine that someone would descend top that level and put such a downright silly lie
Dear Naj,
Thanks for the clarification. By the way, you also ought to thank the Arab Babylonians who taught you how to build like that.
I dare you to Publish that comment, that is if you are realy confident in your history and civilsation.
No offence, but Iam desparately curious to know what you or other Iranians would have to say on that.
Kind regards
As not a direct target of the empire, what strikes me from (even the synopsis on the web page) is the sheer domineering arrogance of a country that sees its moral right to invade and manipulate all other countries on earth simply to serve its interests. Then cloaks all this imperial aggression with claims of noble aspirations to democracy or freedom or some other great lie the domestic population enjoy swallowing because it makes them feel like the good guys from their simple minded movies.
Beautiful homage to Persepolis, Naj.
My reply to your comment on my Bhutto post:
While the Pashtun majority seems secure, the ethnic divisions in Pakistan do indeed remind me of those in Yugoslavia. There's little doubt that Pakistan is on the brink. Of what is a good question.
The question of Pakistan employing nukes depends on a couple of factors. First, to what extent extremists have infiltrated the military. Second, if there is sufficient opportunity, i.e., a good target. My guess is their ideal target would be a fleet offshore.
As for proliferating nukes, the ISI has already done so. There is, of course, an argument that proliferation brings about a better balance of power, one that's practically needed and theoretically true. But again, set those nukes down into a Yugoslavian scenario, and then I'm not so sure. Very unsure and frightened, in fact. They demolished Dubrovnik, after all, and only lunatics would've done that.
He'll bomb all of it and he could care less. those are beautiful pictures by the way. i came here right now to make sure you read this. I told you it was all a plan and nothing short of total war will suffice. Tell me what you think, this is not goog, I told you war can not be avoided.The relentless drive for WW3
I see the UK as the weasely henchman to the US, 'yeah boss, you show 'em.'
Because our risible politicians think it's better to stay friends with the bully then risk its wrath, which is fairly false as we could easily ally with Europe more and avoid being the organ grinder's monkey so much.
What you are saying is ignoring the fact hat the "capitalist" elite of London and the Us are rather indistinguishable.
I see things very differently:
I see the UK manipulating the idiotic Americans into action, and directing their action, while "pretending" to be the followers!
The British national IQ is DEFINITELY higher than the American one :)
Really, Britannia still rules the waves? You'd make a lot of old imperial patriots happy!
[Although I am a treasonously unpatriotic scoundrel myself.]
But I think the time the UK could manipulate the US is gone although both have that imperial sweet tooth. So in terms of nation states I think the UK is the client state now. But British imperialism clearly inspired US imperialism, in terms of the elite I agree, also their national identity is not as important as their bank balances/power to them and that also relates to the rise of corporations as power bases without national identity other than those adopted for convenience and tactical advantage.
If Britian is conning the US into doing our bidding then I shall do my best to ensure Iran is left unmolested (although I have a feeling they don't listen to low born folk such as I) and all lady Persian bloggers receive an annual stipend of at least £25,000- flattery works!
-don't know if my reply went through, ISP went off. So I said ...you drive a hard bargain, but ok on London weighting as you show such good taste in respect to our filthy rich racist Queen (and she wears boring hats)!
nope rick, your reply didn't go through!
But the royal hats do baffle me!
She looks far more interesting in her horse-riding attire! And what's the deal with that purple! (yah I know color of "royalty" ... damn ugly though)
Maybe there should be a royal version of-
Dear Naj Cheney did not give a damn for Iraq and look to what they destroyed in it !!??
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