Read Gareth Porter's new analysis
Cheney aggressively solicited political support from Turkish leaders for a U.S. strike against Iranian nuclear facilities during his visit to Turkey last month, according to a source familiar with Cheney’s meeting in Ankara.
Cheney was “very aggressive” in asking Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and President Abdullah Gul, as well as Turkey’s chief of general staff Gen. Yasar Bukyukanit to get “on board” with such an attack, according to the source, who has access to reports from the Cheney visit.
Cheney indicated that Turkey had been added to the trip at the last minute, suggesting that the decision to visit Ankara was linked to the Fallon resignation.
The action call is to make her lose in this action this crazy greedy woman
I sent one I just hope it isn't like everything else she does and ignores the desires of the people.
I sent mine. I have also sent her 5 or 6 others earlier, to no avail.
Mine was just sent. People like her endanger the entire world.
I just sent mine. Her and McCain would both be a danger and will finish the nightmare scenario Bush has us on.
Nunya, dear ... Iran will NEVER nuke Israel or anyone!
May i remind you that the only people who have ever nuked anyone are the Amricans?!!
Well then, it looks like Hillary won't be nuking Iran doesn't it?
Hey psssssst, got some contraband here, you know anybody that wants to buy some Barbie dolls?
bwaaa haaa ha ha ha ha ha
i have to admit i didn't really think anybody was going to nuke or incinerate anybody...... sort of felt like saying: well we'll put a cork in Hillary if you put a cork in Ahmadinijad..... enough of the nuking and incinerating already. all these loud mouths are going to get everybody killed!99 luft balons
Ghost dancing, welcome to neoresistance!
YEs Ahmadinejad's mouth needs a cork too; but at least the world and the iranians show indignaion when he opens his; Clinton is saying these things to get herself ELECTED!
That's the moral line of divide!
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