This chant I remember well from my childhood. "I will kill, I will kill, that who killed my brother."
In this video, people are carrying a wounded (dead) body. I read elsewhere that an ambulance let a wounded body remain on the ground for 30 minutes; perhaps this is why people are carrying their dead themselves ...
Those who were older than me in 1979 revolution times tell me that this reminds them of those days; but they, genuine shah-haters, also tell me that Pahlavi regime was not even half as brutal and savage as these goons are!
They are now attacking people with knives and chains ... this day has JUST begun! Ashura "ceremonies" usually begin around noon ... Ashura is the day when "martyrdom to stand up to tyranny" is celebrated ...
So far, 5 people have been killed (with reportedly direct gun fire) ... the blood of these five will flood the sand castle of Ahmadinejad and Khamenei ... Amen!
But this video is a scene that I HATE! It is purposeless violence; it is hooliganism; it is just getting caught in an atmosphere of adrenaline and fear and momentary emotionalism; it is like stuff people do when their favorite hockey team looses. I HATE these scenes emerging. I HATE them ...
But, I cannot help enjoying the defensive posture the heavily armored riot police is forced into in the below picture! I hear that some embassies have opened their doors to the injured; but that the hospitals are overwhelmed by the number of the wounded and chances are many will lose life due to lack of care. I also read that the guards are refusing to open fire--which I think is also obvious in this picture below; I doubt the stone the man is throwing would stand a chance if the armoured police raised guns ...


And this picture above (where the woman is standing between people's anger and security's defeat) and the video below are what gives me comfort that Iran's greens are not blood thirsty; that Iran will not succumb to civil war ... no matter how hard the IRGC and the Iraqi commander of Basij try ... In this video a riot guard is arrested by people, apparently someone wants to beat him; and other people are trying to stop that ... they chant (towards the end of the video) "velesh kon, velesh kon, velesh kon" which means: let him go, let him go ...
Naj, during the final seconds of the video, two heavily beaten policemen can be seen surrounded by the angry mob.
I doubt those heavily equipped motorized anti-riot men are carrying firearms with lethal loads.
It appears the mob is using molotov cocktails.
How is order to be restored? I'm fearing armored IRGC units are going to be mobilized.
This looks real bad. Potential for many more casualties...
Mark I am VERY worried too ...
And I strongly doubt the riots and coctail molotovs are used by the greens ... can you confirm Khamenei's airlifting to a IRC bunker?
Naj, please don't take this the wrong way, but some of these folks are no longer "greens". In certain locations it has devolved into a dangerous mob.
Police cars and motorbikes are being set on fire, possibly by molotov cocktails.
I can't confirm it, but it would make sense to have Khamenei airlifted out of what is now obviously a battleground. Unfortunately, it may also mean the military (IRGC) may be mobilizing.
I wonder if Ahmadinejad and other elements of the IRI Gov have left the capitol. There was a Twitter rumor that some were boarding planes at THR.
you express my thought, precisely!
I just read the statement of the police commander who had stated "as long as protesters do not damage property, they will be tolerated" ... these kinds of fire burning and kicking and beating is SO uncharacteristic of the greens, so I am rather inclined to think these mobs are also hired by the IRGC to give further excuse for militarization ... From the beginning, it has been the regime escalating this situation, not the people. So I think this is giving them major excuse now!
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