This is rally in London! The bearded man is holding a sign that reads:
Islam Will Dominate The World!
Freedom Can Go to Hell!
A non-muslim colleague of mine is asking a question:
"If "Freedom Can go to Hell", can someone arrest this man and put him in jail?"
And a conversation is following: If he is a freedom hater, then why is he living in London?!
And if he is an Islamic-fighter, then why shouldn't the British police treat him like a foreign invader?
Now I know that this man is perhaps in the fringes of the LARGE muslim population of Europe; but seriously, what the hell is he thinking?
Post script: I received two anonymous comments which I think address my narrow-minded question and they deserve to come to fore.
Anonymous 1:
Most demonstrations like this are organised by Salafi and Wahhabi groups, the most notorious of which is al Muhajiroun. They are consummate trouble makers, stirring public hatred for mainstream Muslims amongst the British population. Their leader, Anjem Choudary, is a follower of the Salafi cleric Omar Bakri Mohammed, who left the UK for Lebanon, but tried to come back to the UK to seek refuge in 2006 when Israel started bombing Lebanon.
They have a website advocating a distinctly Salafi ideology,in addition to some rather absurd designs on the UK, www.islam4uk.com, including a march at the end of this month calling for the implementation of Shariah in the UK.
Choudary, in his university days, was heavily into drinking and non-marital sex with non-Muslim women. Some Muslims think he is an agent of the British, implanted to stoke racial tensions to weaken people's resistance to various Orwellian measures that the government want legislated (eg, ID cards, long term detention without trial, etc). Personally, I don't think so, I've seen enough of these extremists to know that they are often hypocrites.
Anonymous 2:
No question his sign is very disturbing but:
1) He might be a British citizen (even born in Britain).
2) I know he and his friends are not going to treat us the same way that we -in the west- treat them but as long as he only expresses his opinion (whatever that opinion might be), he can not and should not be arrested or put in the jail.
3) I actually think this type of demonstrations are counterproductive for them and good for the civil societies, as they show which type of people they truly are and how angry they've become and we show how tolerant and cool we are.
UPDATE: My friend who asked the question wanted me to be clear about the fact that he meant the question as a joke. "I know you did", I told him; "but I (naj) meant the question with the very visceral anger I felt when I saw this picture. This kind of extremism touches me very close at home." Yes, he (my friend) knows what tolerance is; and I wish he will never grow out of it by suffering the consequences of the intolerance the man in the photo is promoting.
These people hate western ideas and culture but choose to move to the west and take advantage of their welfare programs. If they hate the west so much, why don't they move back to their home countries? Can they even demonstrate in their home countries?
Where's his friend with the adjoining slogan: "Slavery is heaven!"
"can they demonstrate in their own countries?"
I wonder!!
Pirouz, there were more absurd pictures ...
Dear Naj,
Thank you for that text + picture - as "my friend" and one of my favourite authors P. G. Wodehouse used to write "rem acu tetigisti" = "You hit the nail of the head" -
It somehow reminds me of that discussion with one of your readers or rather about the strange argumentative propositions of one of your readers a few days ago
Thanks so much - a right word at the right time!
Most demonstrations like this are organised by Salafi and Wahhabi groups, the most notorious of which is al Muhajiroun. They are consummate trouble makers, stirring public hatred for mainstream Muslims amongst the British population. Their leader, Anjem Choudary, is a follower of the Salafi cleric Omar Bakri Mohammed, who left the UK for Lebanon, but tried to come back to the UK to seek refuge in 2006 when Israel started bombing Lebanon.
They have a website advocating a distinctly Salafi ideology,in addition to some rather absurd designs on the UK, www.islam4uk.com, including a march at the end of this month calling for the implementation of Shariah in the UK.
Choudary, in his university days, was heavily into drinking and non-marital sex with non-Muslim women. Some Muslims think he is an agent of the British, implanted to stoke racial tensions to weaken people's resistance to various Orwellian measures that the government want legislated (eg, ID cards, long term detention without trial, etc). Personally, I don't think so, I've seen enough of these extremists to know that they are often hypocrites.
[note, the person in the picture is not Choudary]
Hi naj,
No question his sign is very disturbing but:
1) He might be a British citizen (even born in Britain).
2) I know he and his friends are not going to treat us the same way that we -in the west- treat them but as long as he only expresses his opinion (whatever that opinion might be), he can not and should not be arrested or put in the jail.
3) I actually think this type of demonstrations are counterproductive for them and good for the civil societies, as they show which type of people they truly are and how angry they've become and we show how tolerant and cool we are.
V >>>
A little treat for my German friends. Mahmoud Dolatabadi
gunn says:
thanks for the advice - i enjoyed the interview - translated by mr. nirumand - and I realy hope that this book will find the way to tehran -
Greetings to naj
gunni says:
thanks for the advice - i enjoyed the interview - translated by mr. nirumand - and I realy hope that this book will find the way to tehran -
Greetings to naj
Gunni, you poster your comment on the wrong post :)
Thanks though!
I'm the person you labelled "anonymous 1"
I don't think your question is narrow-minded. In any large population (of people, animals, plants, whatever) with a statistical variance, you get samples on the fringes acting quite differently to the bulk of the population. These fringe elements don't even need to be conciously picked out to manipulate the image of the population, their extreme nature makes itself more visible.
Thus it is easy to be lead into thinking this is what British Muslims are like, because they are the ones shouting Islam, while the rest of us are at home drinking tea minding our own business.
Anonymous #1
I WANT to believe that my question is a narrow minded one; and I want anyone who feels righteous by asking that question to feel narrow minded too.
The last think I want is to turn into a hate mongerer. But, recently, wounds that I had hidden, wounds inflicted upon me and my life by the Islamic Republic or Iran, have opened up, are bleeding and are infected. I was hoping that the scars will only become part of the history ... but the Islamir Republic has chosen to slash me/us AGAIN on the SAME wounds ...
I just want to stand against the Institutional; constitutional and political Islam (Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism ... whichever). And I want to respect the peaceful muslims who enjoy their faith, silently, pensively, peacefully.
So, I am grateful for your comment.
You accuse this man why he is in the west, what about Ayatollah?
Khomeini on move to Paris and he telling that this from Allah!!! What a lie, what Allah has to do when he chose to go Paris?
See Ayatollah in Paris!
READ the slogan he is holding up.
what was Khomeini slogan when he come to power Naj?
Satan west Death for more that 25 years we here same slogan that lunatic Khomeini believed and ordered.
yes I agree. your point?!
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