- NAJA (Iranian police) installed 200 closed circuit monitoring cameras in Tehran and 200 more will be installed soon! 400 Cameras to ensure people are "afraid of committing crimes" like protest!
- Khamenei made new appointments to the file and rank of IRGC!
- Ahmadinejad promised to prepare for a media-war.
- IRI banned the human rights lawyer, Abdulfattah Sultani from attending Human Right events abroad!
- Behzad Nabavi, the old kid of Revolution, jailed and tortured by the Shah and Ahmadinejad, underwent an emergency operation--but remains outside the reach of his family who are worried that his "resistance" to appear in front of the camera and his resolve that "I will not betray Mohandes Mousavi" will cost his life "under operation"!
- Mohammad Javad Larijani, another Coup D'etat supporter and Mousavi-demonizer faced booing students of the best technical university of the country, Sharif University, greeting him with down with dictator chants!
- The grounds on which the parliament speaker Ali Larijani stands became shakier.
- Hashemi made a public "emergency" statement to zealously kiss Supreme Leader's behind--and at the same time made a request to the Judiciary, Sadegh Larijani to investigate and exonerate his family of accusations of corruption laid by Ahmadinejad and his cronies. (don't think Larijani is a common name in Iran. These dudes are brothers)
- The IRI, making a 180-degree turn on its nuclear stance remains to answer questions about the cost of Russian extortion. Incidentally, one of the MAJOR slogans of their election campaign AGAINST Mousavi, was that Mousavi will be soft in front of the Western demands!!!!

IRI's boot on the victims of Kahrizak
Iran's Abu Gharib
Iran's Abu Gharib?
I don't think this be appropriate call.in facts is insulting the victims of Abu Gharib
What's up with all this outrage at analogies?
I've seen people get angry like Monsieur/Madame anonymous at hearing Abu Gharaib/Kahrizak in the same sentence or Palestine/Iran in the same sentence or ...
It's not about EQUATING things point by point, but CONDEMNING a common human SICKNESS no matter who does it or where it's done or HOW MANY people suffer from it.
The person who was offended reminded me of how some get offended if the massacre of the Armenians is compared to Holocaust!
But he/she/it also made me think that if one is to think about the nature of crime committed in these two prisons:
In Abugharib, prisoners were subjected to sadistic humiliation by a foreign "infidel"!! invading force; and as far as I have heard no one has ended up with a smashed skull in a morgue, only to be handed to his parent a month after in a frozen state. In Iran, these things have happened to "students" who have done nothing but exercising their constitutional right in their OWN country ...
I dunno ... irrationality runs in the Middle Easterners--no wonder they have such crappy lives!
Good point(s).
I always thought Chanel & Prada were supposed to be "exclusive" but I guess prisons and death camps have become exclusive too!
Non credo che sara'possibile quello che tu hai scritto al blog Ahmadinejad non e'Moussavi.
How dare you compare Chanel and Prada...that just shows how little you know about fashion.
Excellent post. It's like watching a magic act: the trick is completed during the distraction.
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