China has welcomed the progress in solving the nuclear negotiations!
Other headlines:
- Ayatollah Amoli: Human rights without God's message is impossible. [don't try to make sense of this]
- Interior Minister emphasized the importance of provisioning plans for natural disasters
- Strong earthquake in Afghanistan
- Falahat-Pisheh: The role of teh media in critical periods in society becomes more important [that's why IRNA goes down for one day and then avoids talking about nuclear negotiations!]
- Ayatollah Sobhani: Without faith, society is never safe.
- Parliament member: With streamlining subsides [he means cutting them] the government narrows the poverty gap [he means with a projected 60% inflation!]
- Iran insists on preventing the militarization of space!
And then in the side bar
- Javad Larijani [again that educated primate,]: Mousavi has to take a posture that suits him!! [this saying is something bully kids on highschool yard would tell others who are trying to standup to them! More proof of the kind of uncultured thugs claiming leadership of Iran ...]
- ProIsrael members [of congress]: Obama shoudl sacntion Iran
- India is careful about relations with Iran
- US/Israel's expensive military exercise was censored [from Western media]
- Program for satellite meetings of Media Exhibition announced (see this)
- The ex-editor of Junge Welt exposes vast media campaign against Iran [well IRNA, why don't you give us the REAL news so we can counter the western media?]
By the way, no news of arrests on IRNA, FARCE news, nor even Tabnak or Etemaad. Meaning the circle of media oppression's tightening--on the eve of the well advertised, poorly attended Media Exhibition!
At least, IRNA could spin the nuclear news like these dudes: Iran's (5.3%) enriched uranium is of such hight quality that the Westen countries are eager to get their hands on! [and sell back the 19.5% one!]
By the way, Fars News' important news (after mentioning that the French Total wishes to invest in Iran's oil fields to produce LNG, in which CNPC of china had already invested and the project ws bid on in EPC [i haven't the slightest clue what these abbreviations stand for; but I am sure all the poor and rural supporters of Ahmadinejad do know these things]) is this:
- Increase in unemployment rate in 23 of American states!!
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