This picture reflects the core of Iran's anxiety about Ahmadinejad. This was on the Iranian news network balatarin.com; and it was clicked very frequently.
This blog is about fairness; about looking at objects from multiple perspectives. Stable transformation comes only slowly; and only if the environment is free of sporadic jitters of passion and anger that destabilize growth. I strongly believe that the path to peace crosses through the battle with self.
"Although we don't have a good experience about Mr Ahmadinejad's willingness to consult the parliament, but what is the message Mr Ahmadinejad is trying to convey by releasing the cabinet candidates to media before introducing them to the parliament? Isn't this regressive?" He also criticized sending different proposed ministers to give a speech before the Friday Prayer sermon this week. Tavakoli said: "wasn't it better if Mr president had spent his time with different parliament committees instead of spending it in Ramadan feasts to lobby the representatives? {Ahmadinejad's been throwing lavish Eftar parties for teh parliament. He just buys his vote by food].(Source Khabaronline, 12:18 AM tehran time)
The representative of Tehran then pointed out the history of unlawful behavior of the president and said: "The government has broken the law in relation to presenting the budget in years 2008 and 2009; fuel imports, reduction of work hours during the month of Ramadan" [by not seeking parliamentary approval before implementing them].
In another part of his statement, Tavakoli pointed that the proposed Minister of Science has been Ahmadinejad's campaign manager, and that at least in academic circles his credentials are controversial. He also mentioned that the Minister of Guidance and Islamic culture is biased to a certain group and is incapable to address the criticism of the artist community. [Ahmadinejad shouts back: instead of appointing someone who has conducted one of the cleanest and best regulated of our elections as minister of science, you expect me to appoint people who have created chaos with the password of "election fraud" ... What the FFFF!!]
Tavkoli said, when the world is accusing the government of violation of freedom, why is a military man appointed to the interior ministry?
Regarding proposed women ministers, he mentioned that they lack experience and efficiency and parliament's vote, whichever way it goes will create division.
Tavakoli also questioned the elimination of the rest of the ministers, pointing out that in the four years of Ahmadinejad's presidency there was only ONE minister who has sustained 4-years of working in a ministry.
Tavakoli warned that this time around they will not overlook Ahmadinejad's unlawful practices.
"Ramadan's offering to me this year is the broken faces of my comrades [...] The pictures of the detainees in Stalinist courts shatter one's soul and body. The unfolding crimes are not limited to bodily torture, they are assassinating their characters. Don't even think of the extent of the grief of the families when they see their broken loved ones, imagine them when they go back to their solitary confinements and are left alone with the guilt of why they succumbed to these tyrants. This is what we do not see. This is the big crime that no one thinks about. This is what gives the interrogators and the "king" utmost pleasure!I knew a great one, who melted away bit by bit and passed away. They used to put diarrhetic drugs in his food and did not take him to toilet. When he dirtied his clothes in the cell, the interrogators gathered and laughed at him that "such a great man cannot hold himself". I was in prison when he passed away and thousands participated in his funeral. The murderers carried his casket, and the man who had ordered his arrest appropriated his dead body by sending condolence messages! It was night and I was crying in my solitude. The guy in charge of security walked in and asked "what is the matter?" I said "You killed him; and now are holding a funeral for him." [I just saw this report that preventing detainees from using bathroom has been a common torture in Kahrizak (which was run by Hossein Fadayee, a member of the parliament!!!!!)]
'According to what is said, the common question on people's mind is that the past two months during which much peril has befallen this nation, heavy prices are paid, innocent bloods are shed on streets, unofficial detention centers like Kahrizak are identified, well-liked political, social, cultural and student activist have been jailed and have not seen the light of anything but their interrogators, and more than 4000 innocent civilians are arrested, have marked a dark page on our history. People expect from religious leaders, from the political and intellectual elite, and especially from the parliament to apply all their power and courage and stand behind the people; and be steadfast in this goal and know that even if they are jailed (too), whatever they confess will not tarnish their image but will eternalize them in history and in future.
When Mr Ahmadinejad's chief of staff (Mashayee) states: "I believe for return of Emam Zaman (Shiite's messiah) not all world should be muslim. We have reached the conclusion that to prepare for [armegedon (he says conditions of return of Imam, but according to Shiite belief this return is a bloody one and follows a showdown between good and evil. And the apocalypse will happen not too long after this "return of the Imam"! I don't know what the proper term in English would be, if you know let me know please.)] we have to focus on common human terms such as justice, fighting tyranny, love and faith in one god.", he continued his analysis by: "considering the signs of the "return" time, such as frequent mentioning of Imam Zaman's name in streets and gatherings, we believe we are in the times of 'return'." Mashayee then talked about what role he was supposed to play as the first deputy [a position that Mashayee was assigned to but after much protest was stripped from by a terse order from Khamenei] in facilitating the "conditions of return". Then Mashayee said:" of the 24 million votes cast for Ahmadinejad, 20 million are critical of the system, and in this criticism they are even more serious than the 13 million [who voted for Mousavi], because those 13 million only questioned Ahmadinejad's government, but those 20 million [who voted for Ahmadinejad] questioned the entire system and said no to the whole of the regime before Ahmadinejad. In fact, Ahmadinejad only won 4 million votes."[this is why] The sham courts are staged to drive home the objectives that Mr Mashayee has already planned for, putting all their efforts to prove that anything that the previous administrations have done have been wrong. This project will have consequences because [i don't know what she means, but I think she says something tongue in cheek that Ahmadinejadists are considering themselves as replacements of god on earth.]He [Mashayee] says: "Mr Ahmadinejad only had 4 million votes and the other 2o million belongs to those critical of the regime". Does this mean that the entire system in the past 30 years, including Mr Ahmadinejad himself-who has been the head of the executive branch, have been on the wrong? How come no one protested to this questioning of the regime, but the intellectual and well-meaning critics or protesters to the election results are harassed by thugs and crooks, and that in conditions where the families of individuals such as Taj Zadeh, Zeid abadi, Behzad nabavi, Ghoochani and others are kept in total dark?People wonder why you representatives do not support the plight of Mousavi, Karoubi and Khatami, which reflects the current suffering of the social conscience; and do not follow up on their complaints with concrete action to improve this wonderful system! Are you selected representatives? The public opinions doesn't seem to find you in line with itself.People are united in wanting to keep an Islamic Republic, but if the Islamic republic doesn't evolve and does not give priority to the will of the people, what remains of [the republic] to be kept? What is "keeping the system?" The closest person to this system [the president] who has questioned the system, all the blood that is shed for this revolution, all the sacrifices that are made, has security! But, those who have tried their best in various ways in the past 30 years do to something for this "system" are jailed in frightening and unknown dungeons. These critics only asked: "What did you do to our vote? We didn't vote for someone whose withdrawals from the public vault and country's income is opaque; someone who has not answered for billions of lost dollars, and will not answer either. Why is the head of the system [Khamenei] still defending this government with its obscure financial record? What's the meaning of these behaviors?" People ask "are you given a share of those missing billions?"Our history is full of sects who gained power and operated as tyranny until it fall open to the public that they were installed by foreign plot. Publication of books like "the decade of return [of Imam Zaman]" and similar books that are published in Arabic in Lebanon, and are freely sold, despite their bizarre and dangerous content; and no government-related organization has objected to them. In these books Mr Ahmadinejad is likened to the "commander in chief of Imame Zaman", Mohammad Khatami is to be assassinated; and Mr Ahmadinejad's mission is to rescue Quds (Jerusalem) and then there will be a peace treaty with NATO Similar to "Hadibiye peace" [??] and the killing of the Sunnis will begin! [!!!!!] Those who have seen and read these books are worried about a sect that is taking advantage of national assets and ruin the country, because this sect [Hojattiyeh; which was outlawed by Khomeini but has followers such as Mesbah Yazdi (Haghani Circle) and Jannati who are backing Ahmadinejad] is based on principles dangerous to clergy and to Iran.In any case, honorable representatives, people's anxiety and worry is serious and if you do not act with courage and honesty, and do not support Mrs Mousavi and Karoubi, if you do not arrest and prosecute the torturers and those who have committed heinous crimes, sexual rape, and martyring the young protesters, this nation will strip you of all trust. They say that those prisoners who were interviewed by the parliament's investigative committee have disappeared, and their fate is unknown. You have to ask the judiciary system to provide safety and security who have been the victims of these crimes so they can appear before the house and show the evidence of these infectious sores that have been growing in these years, so we can open those wounds
In these days, the hardworking government [of Ahmadinejad], that considers itself first ranking in all matters, has been giving unprecedented advantages to the West:
Re America, Ahmadinejad has congratulates Obama and has shown inclination to restart relations and negotiations.
Re United Kingdom, they released the British soldiers, gave them gifts and the president had warm and amicable meetings with them.
Re France, they released the French woman who was arrested on the charge of participating in [post-election] unrests.
All the while, many of the political figures of the government are still in detention, without any legal grounds.
Also, Re Israel, Mr Mashayee (Ahmadinejad's chief of staff) has expressed enough friendship and solidarity.
Now I want to ask the honorable readers and officials, if any of these events h ad taken place in the Reform government, would the right-wing press have remained silent? Would we not have had hundreds or protest rallies by the ready-to-die [hardliners]? Wont they have charged the [reform] government with hundreds of accusations?
But now, there is no news! Absolute silence! What a luck!
This is the headline which is sanctioned by Hashemi's news channel; i..e. his official web site. The subtlety of this headline is in word "again", which means re-iteration of Hahsemi's previous prpoposed solution. the second subtlety is in reiteration of the situation as crisis. But most important is that he is addressing the "media" to abide by leader's command to unity. Remember that presently, the media is under full control of the conservatives; with the last reformist news paper "Etemad-Melli" being ordered shut! Previously too, Hahsemi had criticized the bias of media (i.e. the state television) in false representation of the facts.HEADLINE: Again, Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani counted shift from sensationalism to rationalism the way to cross through the crisis. The media and different tribunes should prove, in practice, their loyalty to the "unity-centric view of the leadership".
BODY: In presence of the majority of the members, The head of The Expediency Council, again reiterated that the passage through current problems becomes possible by shift from sensationalism into rationalism and emphasized: The media and different tribunes should prove their loyalty to leader's unity-centric vision in practice.
The meeting of The Expediency council was held on Saturday, with majority of its members in attendance. At the beginning of the meeting, Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani congratulated the start of the holy month of Ramadan, month of feasting with divinity, month of spiritual self reflection and social justice; and expressed hope that in the spiritual light of this divine month should lead to strengthening unity and conciliation.
He pointed out the necessity of increased compassion and unity of the officials with the people, to enable passage of the country through its internal and foreign problems and stressed: "acting with wisdom, principle and due diligence will make this into an attainable and practical objective."
Hashemi Rafsanjani stated the essentiality of respecting leader's orders and guidance; creating appropriate situations to abide by the constitution beyond group interests; opposing deviation from the law and confronting the law-breakers from either side[keep in mind that in the past few month, the law-breakers have been the Khamenei rookies!], replacing the emotional atmosphere with a rational one, and creating an environment for free criticism, reasoning and providing legal and reasonable responses to fair criticism in current situation; and added: "if these conditions are met, then the impact of the foreign media who is often tainted by colonial intentions will diminish and attention to local news sources will increase and the confrontations on the surface of the society and between different factions will move to media and internal news sources." [i.e. he is emphasizing freedom of press, again.]
In conclusion, the head of the expediency council emphasized that the guidelines of the supreme leader with respect to recent arrests, compensation for those whose rights have been violated, and punishment of the out-laws [i.e. the torturers] open a way through current problems and said: "All, in any position, must abide by these [principles] and those with tribunes, influence and media [again this is addressing the current rulers] have to avoid divisionism, labelling [referring to Ahmadinejad and Keyhan news paper's campaign of defamation], controversy; and help unity and reconciliation of the society.
So the highlights of his statements are not "everyone should say yes to leader" BUTHe expressed hope that the independent and elite members of the Expediency Council will be the first to walk in this path."
In the name of Hagh [God]In the name of liberty, Knowledge and JusticeOpen LetterDr Mohammad MalekiOrdibehesht 1385 (May, 2006)
Honorable Mr Ahmadinejad,1.Like a world savior, and a divine prophet, you have drawn attention of the American President to a few issues. However, unlike what appears in the holy books of prophets like Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohamad (pbuh) and all other champions of peace, who first adopted a peaceful and inviting language to address the tyrant before resorting to violence to rescue people from tyranny, you have started your presidency with a violent discourse unbecoming of a leader, and now have adopted the soft language of diplomacy.2. I try to hear you from your statements; although you seem to be interested in saving the world community while your students are questioning you about the Iranian society.Mr Ahmadinejad;You start your letter with the following sentences, that I quote directly:Mr. George Bush, president of the United States of AmericaFor some time now, I have been thinking, how one can justify the undeniable contradictions that exist in the international arena -- which are being constantly debated, especially in political forums and amongst university students. Many questions remain unanswered. Those have prompted me to discuss some of the contradictions and questions, in the hopes that it might bring about an opportunity to redress them. Can one be a follower of Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him), the great Messenger of God, Feel obliged to respect human rights, Present liberalism as a civilization model, Announce one's opposition to the proliferation of nuclear weapons and WMDs, Make "War on Terror" his slogan, And finally, work towards the establishment of an unified international community -- a community which Christ and the virtuous of the Earth will one day govern, But at the same time, Have countries attacked. The lives, reputations and possessions of people destroyed and on the slight chance of the presence of a few criminals in a village, city, or convoy for example, the entire village, city or convoy set ablaze.Mr Ahmadinejad,As I said before, because I am a teacher, I am often asked various questions. Once a student with a touch of Azeri accent asked me: "Professor, I wish you answer a questions that has been boggling my mind for a few years, as it involves events because of which I have lost several of my closed associates and my life has turned upside down. You know that at the beginning of the revolution, the Revolutionary Guard and the militia attacked several villages like "Quarna" and "Inderquash", killing a large number of women and children, not even sparing animals; on the excuse that several anti-revolutionaries has infiltrated these villages. Tell me, what kind of a government that calls itself Muslim and representative of the prophet of mercy and kinship, and which what kind of a logic or law could have committed such despicable acts?" Interestingly, later on, the Friday-Prayer speaker of Orumiyeh (Mr Hasani) and Mr Jalayee-pour, who was the governor of Mahabad at that time, and a chamption of reform in this time, had responded to this question of a Khajeh-Nasir [a University in Tehran] student had responded angrily that: "why are you bringing up the Kurdestan issue again? This story is over; whoever in power would have done the same." But, another student had interjected: "Then why are you protesting the chain murders now?!".Mr Ahmadinejad,In those days you were part of the Revolutionary Guards and the Basij that committed these acts; or at least was fully aware of them. You answer me. These acts correspond to which of the Islamic values to which you subscribe? To Mohammad's; to what is in Quoran; or Imams' manners?Mr Ahmadinejad,In continuation of your article [letter to bush] you point to mind boggling topics. You have written:You might know that I am a teacher. My students ask me how can these actions be reconciled with the values outlined at the beginning of this letter and duty to the tradition of Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him), the Messenger of peace and forgiveness?There are prisoners in Guantanamo Bay that have not been tried, have no legal representation, their families cannot see them and are obviously kept in a strange land outside their own country. There is no international monitoring of their conditions and fate. No one knows whether they are prisoners, POWs, accused or criminals.European investigators have confirmed the existence of secret prisons in Europe too. I could not correlate the abduction of a person, and him or her being kept in secret prisons, with the provisions of any judicial system. For that matter, I fail to understand how such actions correspond to the values outlined in the beginning of this letter, i.e. the teachings of Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him), human rights and liberal values.Mr Ahmadinejad,Once in a class a student got up and asked me: "Professor, I have heard that you have been imprisoned both in the Monarchy and in the Islamic regimes. I cannot understand how they can jail a university professor; and essentially I want to know that in an Islamic Regime, what a prison looks like and what they did to you." I said "my son, in 1339 (1960) when I was a student like you, was arrested because I was distributing leaflets against the Shah's dictatorship. I am not going to talk about the crimes and horrendous tortures of the Shah's prisons because whatever they did, they didn't ascribe their actions to God and the prophet and Islam. But in the Islamic Republic, I have witnessed scenes and I have undergone perils that recounting them helps nothing but reviving the pain of suffering those cruelties. I witnessed daily executions of tends of older than 15 years of age youth; and many who couldn't withstand the pressures and died under torture. In "Gezel Hesar" [name of the prison] I saw something called "Ghiyamat" [Doomsday] which is perhaps unprecedented in the entire world. It is there that I witnessed hundreds of young girls who had gone insane because they were sexually violated. These are small parts which are not myths; you can read a small portion of these crimes in the memoir of Ayataollah Montazeri, who was the deputy of the supreme leader at that time. After I was arrested in the the 60's [i.e. 80s, AD] my family was not informed of my whereabouts for months. And when I was arrested in the 80th [i.e. 1999]; I was in a hidden prison where my family could not visit me. Now if I want to describe the prison conditions, my tale takes a ton of paper. Hopefully, one day the truth will be revealed and all will realize the harrowing crimes that have taken place in the prisons of the Islamic Republic, in the name of God and Religion.Mr Ahmadinejad.You speak of Guantanamo prisons. It is evident that Bush hand other Imperialists and capitalist organs don't shay away from any crime to protect their interests, and tomorrow they will be judged on how their actions matched the teachings of the Jesus, the human rights [conventions] and the freedom principles. But, you have certainly witnessed the scene of the Evin prison and you have yourself been one of the operators [/executioners] in that system. If you have conscience, how are you going to respond to God and Mohammad (PBUH) and the religious Imams in whose name you are ruling?Mr Ahmadinejad,in letter to Bush, you have written:All governments have a duty to provide security and peace of mind for their citizens. For some years now, the people of your country and neighbors of world trouble spots do not have peace of mind.Do you remember that in the 60s [80's] Mr Khomeini said that to watch the actions and the movements of one's neighbors is a religious duty? In those days, that in the position of a Guard or a Basiji you were responsible for execution of this order, what did you do to families? So many a citizen whose heart stopped by the slightest sound around their house; your committees knocked on any door they wished, and when asked for identity card, showed their guns. Let me tell you something that you are well aware of: On 12 of Tir, 1960 (2nd of July, 1981) when they came to arrest me, who were well known and at that age not interested in running away, they raided my house at 2 am, when my wife and children were sleeping, and arrested me savagely. These few samples were not committed by American soldiers in Iraq, but in Tehran and by the "unknown soldiers of Imam-e Zaman". You who claim a close relationship with this Imam, tell me, is he pleased with such actions in a government that considers itself Muslim and a follower of Mohammad (pbuh)?Mr Ahmadinejad,In your letter to Bush you have made a statement that if my students ask me about it, I will have no answer. Please you answer:In countries around the world, citizens provide for the expenses of governments so that their governments in turn are able to serve them. The question here is "what has the hundreds of billions of dollars, spent every year to pay for the Iraqi campaign, produced for the citizens?" As Your Excellency is aware, in some states of your country, people are living in poverty. Many thousands are homeless and unemployment is a huge problem. Of course these problems exist -- to a larger or lesser extent -- in other countries as well. With these conditions in mind, can the gargantuan expenses of the campaign -- paid from the public treasury -- be explained and be consistent with the aforementioned principles?Mr Ahmadinejad;You participated in the Iran-Iraq war and after Liberation of Khoramshahr, most probably supported the continuation of the war and chanter of slogans such as "Path of Quods passes through Karbala" or "War War till end of evil in world" or "Till KArbala, remains one Allah-u Akbar". In your view as a commander in that war [Ahmadinejad was NOT in war though, he had an administrative job] you surely know that continuation of the war besides tremendous loss of human life cost this people billions of dollars; impacting the poverty line of the Iranian people, according to your own official statistics. Answer the students whether the outcome of this prolongation of the war was anything but poverty, corruption, unemployment, and eventually the "drinking of hemlock" by Mr Khomeini? If Mr Bush has to answer the Pasifict Jesus Christ, how do you justify your actions Islamically?Mr Ahmadinejad,You have written:Did we intend to establish justice or just supported special interest groups, and by forcing many people to live in poverty and hardship made a few people rich and powerful -- thus trading the approval of the people and the Almighty with theirs? Did we defend the rights of the underprivileged or ignore them? Did we defend the rights of all people around the world or imposed wars on them, interfered illegally in their affairs, established hellish prisons and incarcerated some of them? Did we bring the world peace and security or raised the specter of intimidation and threats? Did we tell the truth to our nation and others around the world or presented an inverted version of it? Were we on the side of people or the occupiers and oppressors? Did our administrations set out to promote rational behavior, logic, ethics, peace, fulfilling obligations, justice, service to the people, prosperity, progress and respect for human dignity or the force of guns, Intimidation, insecurity, disregard for the people, delaying the progress and excellence of other nations, and trample on people's rights? And finally, they will judge us on whether we remained true to our oath of office -- to serve the people, which is our main task, and the traditions of the prophets -- or not?Mr Ahmadinejad,Some students state that they are asking the same questions of you. That you, who have been part of this regime since the onset, and participating in power in position such as Governor, Provincial premiere, Mayor of Tehran, university professor and a general of the Guard and etc, are speaking of "which" notorious prisons? Are there any prisons more notorious than Evin, Gezel-Hessar, and others across the country? Refer to your conscience. Was what you promised people in election right? Have you treated the people with justice and mercy or have your actions against the Buss driver's union and women activists and others most violent? Indeed, who is telling the truth and who is lying? Mr Ahmadinejad, you answer students in a press lrelease! Indeed, are you abiding by the Prophet's rules, especially Islam's?The justice that is spread by the Islamic Government is where? Billion-dollar palaces, sky scraping towers, quick wealth of some of the relatives of the Regime, and next to them, tin-houses and plastic-houses [slums]; and hundreds and thousands of homeless is the sign of justice in your Regime. You are just staring outside the country. Think a little about our own conditions to feel a little ashamed of calling yourself a follower of justice-seeking Islam, Ali's governance of justice, and expectatnt of Imam-e Zaman--who comes to spread justice!Mr Ahmadinejad,You have written:According to divine verses, we have all been called upon to worship one God and follow the teachings of divine Prophets.Indeed, where in Quoran and in Imams' traditions you are told to kill, in one day, thousands of prisoners who are spending their sentences? Did you not know of the details of this order? How about the chain murders? You were not aware of the torture of students? How about Zahra Kazemi's death? Mr Ahmadinejad, for God's sake don't take people for fools. People know you and your ilk too well to be fooled by you and yoru words. Let me end my letter with words from your own letter.Whether we like it or not, the world is gravitating towards faith in the Almighty and justice and the will of God will prevail over all things.Yes the world is heading towards faith in a God that loves humans and has mercy, not your God who hangs women in hell for showing two strands of hair; cruicifies men for slightest error, burns them in hell eternally and unleashes on them the "ghashiyeh" snake [snake of hell], but is kind to despots and criminals for two penny worth of their fake prayers!
First, tell us about your age, education and interests:I am Navid Mohajed, 22, and a resident of Yazd. Because I suffer from Duchenne Dystrophy, with total reliance on my father's efforts, I could study until grade 5. However, due to advanced symptoms, my father decided to home-school me. I wasn't satisfied with school materials only, therefore I study other books that my father provided me. First I studied novels and then was drawn to history, astronomy and science fiction. Then, after learning about computers, my interest shifted to programming. Presently, blogging, web design and programming are my major interests. Recently, I have started working from home, programming for an established computer programming company.I think our readers are curious to know about your physical condition:
I have Duchenne Dystrophy, a genetic disorder that leads to gradual loss of muscles. I could walk until 12 years ago but I slowly lost my ability to walk. I use wheelchair now, but my arms are getting weak too. As you know, the physically impaired individuals are a huge burden to themselves and to their family; and here I wish to express my gratitude to my family. I owe my success to my father.How come you were drawn to computers and Internet?Ten years ago, my father bought me a computer and encouraged me to learn it. At the beginning it was difficult to understand computer books, because I only had elementary education. But, with help from my father I began learning English, and QBasic. Because of my physical disability I was enthralled by creating virtual programs. After gaining some basic knowledge, my father brought me a tutor to teach me advanced topics. And then I started programing in PASCAL. Around two years ago, I started html design and programming. My first project was to design a site with ASP to allow university students access their records via Internet. [This may look trivial to you, but in a Yazd University, electronic education is not commonplace!] After this web site, the Free University of Yazd adopted this program as well. Presently I am working on ASP.net. I could not use any courses to learn about programming and all I know is owed to numerous books that my father has provided me. I have to think him for that here.How many years have you worked in this field?
Four years, approximately.
You have dedicated most of your weblog's attention to transferring knowledge to your readers. Why did you choose this path?
I want my weblog to benefit its readers, so they won't leave it empty-handed. If we write about our own specialties in our weblogs we elevate public knowledge. This is why I am dedicating attention to educational matters. Of course, I don't oppose personal weblogs. Those weblogs also share their experiences with their readers.
What is the special topic you write on?
Mostly, I write educational material on Movable Type system administration. This is one of the most powerful weblog management systems in the world and is very popular among Iranian bloggers. This system is so wide spread that the need for education about it is tangible. I hope my posts have been useful for readers.
Apparently, you have been encouraging those with physical disabilities to join the web, tell us about that.
Those with physical disability are limited in communicating their opinions and their problems to the outside. Therefore, people are ill informed about the ideas, problems and ... of the disabled. In my view, a web log is the best place for a disabled person to express his problems. In this domain, I have not denied any assistance. So far, I have made two blogs for the disabled:
Getting to Know a Spinal Cord Disabled http://iran.mojde.com and
I and MS http://ms.mojde.com.
How many visitors have you had and what has been the response to your blogs. What do you think of blogging in general? And whom do you recommend it for?
Weblogs have generated a great change in the Persian content of the internet. Presently, if you search a [Persian] word in search engines, you will find the results in the Persian weblogs. In the past, a lot of web sites were built but updating them was was not trivial. Weblogs increase the speed of new-content generation.The greatest impact of weblogs for me has been to get to know different people. Before, in the chat-time, you could not learn about beliefs and knowledge of different individuals. This is more problematic in case of the disabled. The disabled who cannot get out of the house have very limited contact with the society; but blogging allows them to communicate with the outside world. I particularly recommend blogging to the disabled.