Tue. 22 September 6:30pm – “Iran Alive”
47th St. & 2nd Ave.
Art installation and performance dedicated to the people of Iran. A short film projected on a 300-person human screen with audio featuring recorded messages from Iranians inside Iran.
Wed. 23 September
12:30pm – Rally outside the Iran mission to the United Nations
40th St. & 3rd Ave.
The Iran mission serves as Ahmadinejad’s NYC headquarters when he visits the United Nations. Ahmadinejad will be meeting with allies throughout the week, so this is a chance to make our strong presence felt.
3:00pm – Procession to the United Nations Plaza
Walk north on 3rd Ave. to 47th St., and east into the main rally area.
4:00pm – Rally outside the United Nations Building
Enter from 2nd Ave. & 47th St.
Ahmadinejad is to speak before the UN General Assembly around 5:00pm; our rally will last the duration of his speech.
Thu. 24 September 10:30am – March with the Green Scroll across the Brooklyn Bridge
Gather at Cadman Plaza Park in Brooklyn.
For a downloadable flier for this event, click here (pdf)
Thu. 24 September – Music for Iran, social event fundraiser
Location and time TBA
Participants include Denis Halliday, Arash from Kiosk, Fatemeh Haghighatjou, Masih Ali Nejad, Hamid Dabashi, Chris Hedges, Reese Erlich, Halee, Meetra A. Sofia, and more.
their 3 day event a month ago was very "aberoomand" ... all sides kept a respectable profile.
I hope this one goes the same way.
"the thing" is recognized by 81% of the Iranian population as the legitimate president, according to a poll by worldpublicopinion.org:
go get a life; or a blog!
81% of Iranisns can access worldpublicopinion.org??
I thought it's only the sissi Mousavi supporters who have access to internet; and the 63% of Ahmadinejad lovers are the rural disadvantaged ones!
You don't deserve a response; anyways! And sice you have no blog; I assume you are just a troll!
Internet? The survey was done via phone by Farsi speakers and commissioned by the University of Maryland. (Facts are stubborn things...).
From the survey which is downloadable in its entirety as a .pdf file at the link given above:
This study was designed, managed, and analyzed by WorldPublicOpinion.org, a project managed by the Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) at the University of Maryland. Staff from this organization have carried previous studies in Iran using face-to-face interviewing and have also conducted focus groups in Iran. This organization is responsible for all of the survey questions and the interpretation of the findings.
The survey was executed by means of computer-assisted-telephone interviewing by a professional research agency outside Iran. All interviewers were native Farsi speakers. Telephone interviewing and an outside agency were chosen for this study so that there would be no political constraints on questions asked or speculation about the influence of Iranian authorities on the data collection process. In the past, when we have examined clearly documented studies of the Iranian public, such as those by Terror-Free-Tomorrow and WorldPublicOpinion.org, we have found that telephone methods and face-to-face methods have produced very similar findings with comparable questions.
Telephone Sample
Interviewing was conducted August 27-September 10, 2009 among a national sample of 1,003 Iranian adults aged 18 and older. The margin of error for a sample of this size is no larger than +/- 3.1 percentage points.
The sample was stratified by Iranian provinces using area codes and telephone exchanges for landline telephones in Iran. Numbers were randomly selected and the last four digits of actual telephone numbers were randomly varied. Academic and commercial research organizations in Iran use very similar telephone methods for surveys. When a residence
was reached, an adult was selected randomly using the next birthday technique. An initial attempt and three callbacks were made in an effort to complete an interview. A total of 1,003 interviews were completed; the interview refusal rate was 52 percent.
The household penetration of telephone landlines in Iran is reported to be over 80 percent by Iran’s telecommunication company. WorldPublicOpinion.org conducted an in home survey with a national probability sample of Iranians in January-February, 2008 and found that 84 percent of Iranians reported having a landline telephone in their household.
All thirty Iranian provinces were represented in the completed sample in proportions similar to their actual populations, as were rural and urban areas and females and males. A post-weighting procedure was employed using gender, age, province, and urban-rural residence as factors. Demographic targets were based upon 2005 data from the Statistical Center of Iran.
that's where your "stupidity" and naivite rests!
When my old aunt; who is in fact a very religious person, tells me not to say anything political "on the phone"; It means the IRI has given people the "illusion" that phone lines are controlled!
You are an idiot if you think people in Iran will speak "frankly" to any survey!
Don't go too far; I have scientist friends IN IRAN; who always state that doing polling and "statistics" in Iran is highly inaccurate because
1) The government doesn't like surveys
2) People self-censor
Now; go screw around on some other blog! You want to give me facts; present to me in Persian!
Non-Persian speakers; and their US-funded surveys do not know the "FACTS" of Iran first hand!
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