Caption: In November 1986 [10 Aban, 1365?], when Khamenei (now the supreme leader) was the Imam of Friday Prayer, he said: "continuation and strength of Juriprudence is summarized in the soul of the Grand Ayatollah Montazeri". (Picture source)
[For your information, Ayatollah Montazeri is a key theoretician of Islamic governance under Velayat-e Faghih--as practiced in Iran since 1979 revolution.]
His three grandchildren were arrested! (Actually, it seems more of the children of the reformist Quom clergy are arrested!)
This is an excerpt of why Ahmadinejad's truning the heat on the Quom [Iran's Vatican!] Establishment. Montazeri's making an unmistakable call to "Jihad" against the Coup d'etat forces:
The honorable religious leaders are well aware that throughout history, they have been the shelter and the refuge of the people from the tyranny and the injustice of the rulers; and have been privileged to stand next to the people and defend their rights against the ruthless despots; and have suffered and paid a price for this stance--may God reward them the best of Islam [? it's Arabic.]
Of course, unfortunately this brilliant reputation was damaged after the Islamic Revolution, when in the face of several inappropriate actions, the religious leaders failed in their duty of "amr-e be ma'roof & Nahy-e Az monkar" [ordering to goodness and forbidding illegitimacy; is one of the principles of Islamic practice]. Although perhaps the clergy was not responsible, but a shift in morals and actions, with the theory of "the end justifies the means" put the religious establishment on a slippery slope that distanced it from initial goals of the revolution and endangered its position so much so that today, the spiritual position of clergy and the traditional bases of Islam and religion are compromised--perhaps even irreparably! The close ties between the clerical establishment and religion has made Islam vulnerable to people's approval of the clergy's stances. In this situation, the responsibility of religious leaders becomes more prominent because not only are they responsible for performing their religious duties, but they are also responsible for saving the reputation of religion and cleansing its image from the atrocities that take place in the name of religion. [some short technical religious resoning for mullahs, then:] The criminal events that took place in front of the religious leader's eyes, after the presidential election, is a warning bell for clergy. In these events, much atrocity and injustice was done in the name of religion and with the backing of a small minority of the dependent [read financially] clerical community. After that, with the right to peaceful protest, guaranteed under the 27th clause of the Constitution, people took to streets to express their discontent to the government. Instead of addressing people's concerns in a logical and constructive way, the government called them foreigner vandals and thugs; and assaulted the men and the women with utmost violence; threw them in jails and martyred several of them on streets or in infamous prisons.
Interestingly, it was the government who raised arms on the defenseless and innocent people, jailed and killed them, but called them the enemy! They [the government] created the crisis but called people the instigators of chaos!
Simultaneously, they began arresting some of the political elite of the country who had a resume of valuable service to Iran and the revolution, putting them on illegitimate and illegal trials and forcing them to fake confessions, making these sham trials the laughing stock of the world, discrediting the Islamic justice; and instead of prosecuting the commanders and perpetrators of crimes--and sufficing to promise their prosecution; just like they promised prosecution of the chain murders-- they arrested people's servants and put pressure on dear Mr Mousavi and Karoubi--may God keep them safe and successful--, closed teir offices and their newspapers and arrested their co-thinkers and associates, accusing well intending servants in state-dependent media, even spreading lies and rumors from the holy tribune of Friday prayer, further alienating people and tarnishing their belief in clergy in religious leadership and in dear Islam.
The respectable religious leaders are well aware of their influence on the rulers; and know that at least in appearance and for now, the government needs them to justify its legitimacy. They also know that he government takes advantage of their silence to its own interest. Then, is it justified to adopt silence on important matters on which the credit and value of religion depends, such as claiming the rights of the people and safeguarding the faith of large numbers of youth that the government; and to give an impression that in the silence they are complicit in wrongdoings to a sample of which I pointed?
1 comment:
So, now the regime kidnaps and holds hostage the children and grandchildren of influential opposition figures. Further evidence that the regime is nothing but a criminal organization!
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