In the Name of GodHonorable Mister Doctor Ahmadinejad, Respectable President of the Islamic Republic [no this is not nice, it;s just normal formulation]With Salam and greetings, Assigning Mr (then opening a V to add Honorable before Mr) Esfandiayr Rahim-Mashayee to the post of deputy president is not in the interest of yourself and teh government, and will cause divisions and disappointment amongst those who love you. It is essential that the mensioned assignment be reversed and its anullment be announced.Seyed Ali ... shomething(Khamenei?)27/4/88 [ 19 July 2009]
Well, it's worth noticing that three days after this letter was issued, Ahmadinejad appeared in public, sang the priases of his beloved Mashayee and insisted that he must not be removed!
Today, Hossein Shariatmadari is considering Ahmadinejad's pick and his stubborn defiance of the Supreme leader's orders as "another wing of the velvet revolution"!!
I am getting confused now:
- Ahmadinejad is defying the Velayat-e Faghih in Action
- The Greens are calling for abolishing Velayat-e Faghih, but theoretically and constitutionally and through referendum.
- The people who call the Greens agents of CIA are now calling Ahmadinejad agent of CIA as well
- The People who call Ahmadinejad and the Greens agents of CIA are the only ones to have received a direct letter from President Obama!
I'm so confused ...
and SOOOOOOOOOOO angry with the continuation of these leftist ASSHOLES calling us Western agents!
Pedestrian, do watch a documentary made by Bahman Maghsoodlu on Shamlou!
People who call this a Western Plot; do not recognize that these revolutions are part of our 1300 years old history.
They don't know that they come from the inherent inconsistency of "democracy" with the very "Persian" notion of inherited "divinity". And these people are also unfamiliar with the Shiite core of what is happening now.
I cannot blame their ignorance; because to know about these complex historical relations is NOThing their lives depend on. But I blame them for the naive certitude with which they fit whatever they see in the tiny cup of their modeled politics.
"But I blame them for the naive certitude with which they fit whatever they see in the tiny cup of their modeled politics."
Well said!
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