I cannot post blood and gore on neoresistance, but daily, I am stumbling across before/after photos of young boys who have died in these prisons. The cold blue dead bodies of tortured humans who have been lashed with wet cables, baton shots to head and eyes ... I have posted some of the before pictures though ... (The new victim in the picture is Hossein Akhtarzand)

Those who are released yesterday are afraid to show face and to say what has happened to them, but they have been indiscriminately tortured. It seems that the torturers are creatures of the same character of the soldiers who brought Abu Gharib to closure. Hired psycopaths!
More and more families are speaking up. They are very intimidating: a ugly giant who looks like a killer stares you in the eye and with a low voice and low accent tells you: "If anyone else knows of "this", we will take your other children away/take your husband away/take you away from your young children/throw your kids out of school ... "
PLEASE keep the pressure on by emailing the web page of Ayatollah Khamenei, the supreme leader; as well as Ayatollah Shahroudi, the head of the judiciary. Write respectfully please. Although at this stage, it seems that no one has any control over the thugs of Ahmadinejad; but let's do what we can.
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